run low

美 [rʌn loʊ]英 [rʌn ləʊ]
  • 网络快用完了;缺少
run lowrun low


to be spent or finished
The money had gone after a few days
Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest
Synonym: run short go


  1. What happens when food and gasoline supplies run low ?


  2. But these secondary supplies are beginning to run low .


  3. At the end of his first year , it had begun to run low .


  4. The soil is poor . Little grows . Food supplies run low .


  5. Toward the end of the expedition our provisions began to run low .


  6. Our stock has run low . I hope you 'll order from us as soon as possible .


  7. With 55,000 jobs in the balance , GM Europe will run low on cash next week , it emerged on Friday .


  8. Due to this fact , officials in the country have begun rationing the country 's AIDS medicine supply as it is beginning to run low .


  9. The group said electricity , water and telecommunications were cut in Deraa and that supplies of blood at hospitals was starting to run low .


  10. Wholesale price increases for diesel oil have caused supplies to run low in several cities in southern China , the Shenzhen-based Sunshine Daily reported today .


  11. In the future , Drop plans to unroll a feature that will let you know what ingredients you can use as substitutes if you run low on something essential .


  12. Even if taxes are not increased , the Ministry of finance can preserve this somnolent state for a few years yet until domestic savings run low enough for Japan to have to start courting foreign buyers .


  13. The England skipper is haunted by a run of low scores


  14. It may run with low cost and be operated easily .


  15. However , due to system design , running management , some practical engineering projects run at low efficiency .


  16. The A2 / O system could run in low DO condition when high nitrogen removal efficiency is required only .


  17. Owing to the increasing demand for this type of our products , our stocks have run very low .


  18. Test run of low cis-1,4-polybutadiene rubber with lithium initiator


  19. The wear mechanism of boundary lubrication gears , which are run in low speed and heavy loads , are studied .


  20. The user can instruct the cluster agent to run in low priority or run whenever the screen saver is activated .


  21. Only to provide efficiency and long using time energy , the wireless sensor networks could run in low cost to embody its advantage and be widely used .


  22. Spectroscopy analysis technique is efficient , rapid , no reagents and can be run at low cost . It has become an important method in clinical analyses field .


  23. Analyses reasons that lead to dynamical equipments in heating system consume energy in the high side main are run with low load rates or control flow by valves ;


  24. A college degree may pay off in the long run as low education can create a socioeconomic barrier , making better-paying jobs out of reach .


  25. Near infrared ( NIR ) spectroscopy analytical method is efficient , rapid , noninvasive , environmental friendly , and it can be run at low costs .


  26. In Santa Cruz , where water supplies have run dangerously low , the city has assessed more than $ 1.6 million in penalties for using too much water .


  27. In the evening I found myself very feverish . I noticed a number of enlarged nodules ever my neck region . Sometimes I run a low grade fever .


  28. Private banking , which can be run in low risks but with high rewards , hasbeen turning into one of the most important parts during the development of themodern banking industry .


  29. At present , agricultural machineries are researched and designed commonly in traditional R & D model , in which design activities need long development cycle and run in low efficiency , product performances are poor .


  30. Sucker rod pump units are widely used in oil extraction in our country . However , due to limitations of devices and technologies , most sucker rod pumps run under low efficiency in oilfield .
